Stake NFTs for Yield


  • Varda Vault Unlockable content service Launch for Mintbase and Paras NFT Art

    March 2022
  • Gaming Api for ownership check on Near NFT ecosystem published on Filecoin immutable onchain storage

    April 2022
  • NFT marketplace Launch with liquid staking capabilities

    May 2022
  • Play to Earn Game Launch on Android and IOS

    June 2022

Liquid Staking for NFT

We consider investing on an NFT collectible on the blockchain as a cultural equivalent of investing on a blockchain node for the spreading of decentralization practices in our global society.

We are still choosing the right platform to stake our marketplace NFTs from the NEAR PoS blockchain, possibly enabling EVM and bridges to other PoS blockchain like ethereum, aurora and the octopus network(LPoS).

New paradigm for NFT culture and investments thanks to PoS staking

We are always passionate on new idea generation and development

Gaming API

In collaboration with Humanguild DAO we have developed a gaming api for web2 devs to be able to include their Mintbase and Paras NFTs into their games without deploying a complete smart contract, just a basic login with the near wallet.

Scarcity Tools

In our next metaverse you will access the Scarcity tools where scarcity is granted for all NFT collections in the ecosystem (based on the smart contract or on the single token id) thanks to the swapping tools, stay tuned for updates on our blog


Accessibility is one of our founding values, we'll release a simple HTML farming game for our NFT owners to be able to earn from our DeFi investments and play with our game when it will be published in the NEAR blockchain, everyone else may generate NFTs on the Varda's Galdrastafir collection, with rarity depending on their game score.


The [NEAR Varda NFT marketplace] is online and the first collection is dedicated to uunchainfund.near, to support Ukraine in this war, peace and democracy in Europe. Further utilities will be revealed after the second collection (Galdrastafir) will be out. In collaboration with Valeriia Derrick.

Founders' staves still available on foundation.


Varda is a project of cultural reappropriation by using NFT art and gamification. We use the staking mechanics of the PoS NEAR blockchain.

Unlockable content for the NEAR ecosystem

Varda aims to help and improve the use cases of the whole NEAR NFT ecosystem by enabling unlockable content on the Paras and Mintbase marketplaces

  • Login into the Vault
  • Check all your NEAR NFTs for unlockable content
  • Access the Gaming API to heck ownership in your NEAR game [here]
  • If you are a creator wishing to unlock content into your NFTs find the instructions [here]

have you just bought an NFT with unlockable on NEAR?
